Appendix Creator


By accessing our page and utilizing the Appendix Creato r and its services, you agree to use the service responsibly and refrain from any misuse, unauthorized access, or violation of intellectual property rights. 

Our platform is designed to facilitate the generation of Appeal Court Appendices. Users must also adhere to the condition that the information utilized for citations is accurate and in compliance with ethical standards. We encourage users to embrace the simplicity of our service while respecting the rules that contribute to a collaborative online environment.  Should you have any questions or concerns about these terms, our support team is here to assist you. 

COURT ORDERS FOR RESTRICTED DATA: Your Law Firm shall ensure that any Court orders requiring signature for processing trade secrets or restricted data are forwarded to us for signature. 

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Your Law Firm shall ensure that any confidential information, such as Social Security Numbers, Tax Returns or other information Restriced from Public Filings are separated from the regular Appendix and that we are instructed to create a separate Volume with this information. We will not have any responsibilty to review and find restricted data if it is not separately marked by you.

LIMITS OF LIABILITY: You further agree that the maximium liability of we shall incur is the amount we have charged you for the Appendix Creator services. You further agree that your sole remedy in using our services is a refund of your payment to us for the services you ordered from us. You further agree that we are not responsible for missed deadlines and any resulting liability from legal consequences of those missed deadlines, including malpractice claims. Further, you agree that your request to use our services has factored in the time you need to recevie an Appendix or services back from us and file it with the Courts, allowing for any mishaps or delivery delays by us.

FORUM SELECTION: Buy using our services, you agree that any disputes will be sent to arbitration in Los Angeles, California as the exclusive forum and remedy for resolving disputes. 

REFUNDS: While we generally will give refunds back if a client is not happy with our services, we reserve the right not to refund if the Appendix or services were delivered and used by the client in a court filing. To avoid refund abuse and fraud, part of our refund review may include our checking the Appeals Court docket. Some Courts may require in person inspection of the filings to verify if the Appendix was filed and accepted by the Court.  

Happy citing!